Discover the posts from the theme : Week of random discovery:
Week of random discovery: This week I'd like to share with you a selection of art works of different style, medium and period.
Let us start with this dragon ewer (jug with handle) made in Vietnam in...
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Week of Random Discovery: yesterday we have seen the 14th century dragon vase which survived the shipwreck, today you will see a car smashed by rock on purpose.
It was from the performance art by Jim...
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Week of Random Discovery: yesterday we have discovered a 21st-century urban artwork, today we will go back to the classics in the 16th-century Europe.
Venice is the top destination that people all ar...
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Week of Random Discovery: yesterday we had a magnificent city panorama of the 17th-century Venice painted by Canaletto, today we are going to the other side of the world to discover an much larger cit...
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Week of Random Discovery: for the joyful weekend I have selected two artworks of fun for you.
Today you see a portrait of a man head.
It seems pretty ordinary at first glance, but take a close look...
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Week of Random Discovery: the 6th artwork of this week is a very new one, created very recently and accessible to everyone.
It is a mural painting by Mue Bon at Warehouse 30 in Bangkok.
Mue Bon is a...
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