Discover the posts from the theme : "You are the chosen one":
"You are the chosen one" - Annunciation in art Chapter 1: Day 1
Annunciation is one of most depicted topics in Christian art.
The earliest image preserved today dates back 4th century.
In this serie...
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"You are the chosen one" - Annunciation in art Chapter 1: Day 2
Today you are looking at one of the finest paintings from the Middle Ages: Annunciation with Saint Margaret and Saint Ansanus, painted b...
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"You are the chosen one" - Annunciation in art Chapter 1: Day 3
After two Annunciation wooden panel paintings from the Medieval Europe, today we have a 3D Annunciation.
"You are the chosen one" - Annunciation in art Chapter 1: Day 4
After Italy and France, today's Annunication is from Flanders (the Ductch-speaking regions of today's Belgium).
At first look, I though...
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You are the chosen one" - Annunciation in art Chapter 1: Day 5
Lorenzo Monaco (1370 - 1425) was a monk but also an important Italian artist whose paintings marked the transition from Gothic art to the...
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"You are the chosen one" - Annunciation in art Chapter 1: Day 6
When Lorenzo Monaco and other Italian artists were evolving towards the new Renaissance art, similar art innovation happened in the Nort...
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"You are the chosen one" - Annunciation in art Chapter 1: Day 7
This week we have been exploring artworks depicting the sacred scene of Annunciation from 13th to 15th century.
To close this Chapter 1...
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