Discover the posts from the theme : Kupka, from post-impressionism to abstract art:
This week I want to introduce you to a very talented and interesting artist Kupka.
He was from Czech but lived in France for most of his life.
His artistic journey is a very long and evolving one, s...
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The beginning of 20th century witnessed the revolution in Western painting and visual art.
Today I want to share with you two portraits of Mrs.
Kupka, the artist's wife and muse, painted in 1905 and...
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Kupka is among the first artists who have reached the total abstraction in his art.
But in the first decade of 20th century, Kupka was under the influence of Fauvism.
Looking at his exploding color...
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"Grand nu" was painted by Kupka between 1909 and 1910.
The inspiration came from the imposing sculpture of Michel-Ange, but instead of using the traditional approach to build the depth, Kupka experim...
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Mass production was popularized in late 1910s and 1920.
Machine assembly lines facinated people and caught the attention of artists too.
In 1927, Kupka painted "Synthesis" with a complex constructio...
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In 1933, Kupka created Eudia, a pure abstract painting using only 2 pairs of primary colors: red and blue, black and white.
Eudia, the Greek word, expressed Kupka's admiration for Greek Art, especial...
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One week is impossible to give even a very brief introduction of Kupka.
I will share more of his works in future.
Please leave a comment and let me know which one is your favorite :) To conclude las...
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